My Portfolio

The Barber Shop

This is the first website that I've made with the twitter Bootstrap framework. I did most of the styling with bootstrap classes and also used some of the boostrap javascript features including scrollspy and the image carousel as with most of my projects a learned a lot and really enjoyed working with bootstrap 4.

Sky's The Limit

This is A fully responsive website for a fictional sky diving company called Skys The Limit. I made this with a focus on flexbox and also used a little bit of vanilla javascript to implement the google map API and to fade the navbar as you scroll. I also used a bit of jquery for the smooth scrolling affect when clicking the navbar links.

Hotel Inn

I made this site learing the basics of html5 and css3. It's a website for a hotel for which I used mainly floats and clears for postitioning. I also focused on using semantic markup in html5.I also optimized all the images to help with loading speeds I really enjoyed making this project and learning a lot in the proccess.

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